- Fallout 4 Pc Item Codes
- Fallout 4 Stimpack Code
- Fallout 4 Complete Quest Code
- Fallout 4 Console Commands Item List

So let me tell you a little bit about obsession. It’s rarely pretty.
- Check our complete cheats guide for Fallout 4. And become injured until you give them a stimpack. Fallout 4, Fallout 4 Cheat Codes, Fallout 4 Cheats, pc, ps4, Xbox One.
- To use any of these Fallout 4 cheat codes, simply launch the PC version of the game and press the key on your keyboard to bring up the game's console menu. From there, activating a few (or a bunch) of Fallout 4 cheat codes is just a matter of typing in the necessary text and pressing enter.
For Fallout: New Vegas on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'Stimpack Console Command'.
I discovered Fallout modding back in 2010 or so, crudely slamming a bunch of pretty shit together into a VERY unstable Fallout 3 build. That took me into FO3Edit – a tool that now feels like a second skin to me – and the excellent FO3Edit Training Manual. When New Vegas came out, I eventually began working on a scripted mod called Tuckered Out.
Tuckered Out was exhausting. The general premise of the mod was to add a complex physics layer to the game that made falling and weariness more realistic. It started pretty simply, and just grew and grew and grew.. months of discovering all the little quirks of the FNV Gamebryo engine and figuring out clever ways around them. Game modding is not for the weak, let me tell you.
For me though, that’s the obsession of the deal. Being told that such-and-such is impossible, that it’s hardcoded, that no one’s going to care anyway, that the limitations can’t be overcome. That there’s no way around it. Screw that noise: there’s almost ALWAYS a way around it. And, frankly, if I know it can be done but no one seems to know how, it’s going to keep me awake at night. I have to untangle that knot.
So now I’ve moved on to Fallout 4, and here we go again. Hardcoded. Can’t get around it. Bethesda-hating. No one’s going to care. Consoles, consoles, consoles. And, once again, screw that. It’s time to stop whining and start hacking that shit.
My current crazy tangle has to do with those downed companions in Survival mode, the ones you have to stab with stimpaks in order to literally prevent them from giving up and crawling home. Which they can and will do, even though they don’t have the strength to stab themselves with the stim.
Hence, Companion Heal Thyself. My first real FO4 – and Papyrus – script, it grants companions the power to heal themselves with stims, as well as pull themselves out of downed (“bleedout”) state.
I was feeling pretty good about getting that working, when I found a problem with the otherwise great mod No Limb Regen that interfered with the companion bleedout recovery process in Survival mode. So now that itch is back, and I’m trying to figure out the best way around what seems to be a hardcoded routine.
What NLR seems to have done is replace the normal stimpak magic effect with a custom one that just applies a flat health boost, instead of the (seemingly) hardcoded Stim routine that also fixes broken limbs. I’ve winGrep’ed the hell out of the FO4 script base, and can’t find anything there that implements the bleedout recovery steps, leading me to think that it’s all hardcoded. If that’s the case, “fixing” stimpaks for NLR in Survival means basically either a) just giving up, b) scripting the normal stimpak to re-break broken limbs after they’re healed (a REALLY ugly option), or c) adding some sort of bleedout recovery emulation step into NLR stimpaks. And since I had already basically coded option C into Heal Thyself, that’s the option I’m most optimistic about.
No idea if it’ll work. Part of me just looks at the problem and thinks, okay, Beth hardcoded that sucker, just accept it. But “just accept it” isn’t really what game modding is about, and not really what I’m here for. So once more upon the breach.
For legendary weapon effects in Fallout 4, see Legendary weapon effects. For legendary effects in Fallout 76, see Fallout 76 legendary effects. |
You know fallout 4 power armor locations paints really big attraction thats why we are posting a legendary and new unique power armor fallout 4 post for our users to make more informative our fallout 4 website. We are already shared big collection of console commands and also new cheats you can try it also. Remember, To attach a Legendary modifier you type “.amod” at the end of the code. To remove a Legendary modifier you type “.rmod” at the end of the code. For example: Typing “ff001843.amod 001f1e0c” Would add the Almost Unbreakable effect to a piece of Power Armor. Typing “.rmod” then the legendary modifier code you used would remove the armor’s legendary effect.
Legendary armor effects are effects applied to basic armor that use special prefix modifiers that cannot be obtained elsewhere. They cannot be scrapped, but can be modified. They will appear on screen when picked up, and are marked with a star. Unlike unique armors, they are randomized and are never named. Legendary effects can provide the same effects as unique armor. Like unique armors, Legendary armors can be given a custom name and modified at an armor station.
Legendary armor pieces are only found on the bodies of 'Legendary' variants of enemies and in the inventories of merchants. They can spawn at random locations throughout the Commonwealth, depending on the difficulty setting. They are much more difficult to defeat than regular enemies, as each one has a chance to 'mutate' after their health is depleted, restoring it to full and boosting their stats. They will almost always have a legendary piece of equipment in their inventory. Sometimes the legendary enemy (or ally) is not labeled as 'Legendary,' but can be identified by the healing waves during and after a fight (if still alive).
Any legendary mod will add 2 Damage Resistance and 2 Energy Resistance to the armor it's added to. For example, an unmodded heavy combat armor chest piece will have 35 DR/35 ER. A legendary version with no other mods will have 37/37.
Any armorEdit

Name | Stat | Form ID | Found in |
Acrobat's | Reduces falling damage by 50%. (Equiping two items with this effect will prevent fall damage) | 001f1df9 | |
Assassin's | Reduces damage from humans by 15%. | 001f1df3 | Destroyer's chest piece Silver Shroud costume (armor) |
Auto Stim | Automatically use a stimpak when hit while health is 25% or less, once every 60 seconds. | 00f5bc | |
Bolstering | Grants increasing energy and damage resistance the lower your Health (up to +35). | 001f8165 | Steadfast BOS combat armor chest piece, Apocalypse left greave |
Cavalier's | Reduces damage while blocking or sprinting by 15%. | 001f579d | Destroyer's left arm |
Chameleon | Enemies have a harder time detecting you while you're sneaking and not moving. | 001f4d18 | Mark 2 synth chestpiece |
Champion / Fortifying | +1 Strength and +1 Endurance | 001cf57f | Champion left arm, Black Ops chestpiece |
Cloaking | Being hit in melee generates a Stealth Field once per 60 seconds | 0107b0 | |
Cryogenic | 10% chance to freeze melee attackers, once every 20 seconds. | 0107af | |
Cunning | +1 Agility and +1 Perception | 001cf57c | Recon marine helmet, Mantis left greave, Champion right arm, Wastelander's chest piece |
DiMA | +1 Agility, +1 Endurance and +1 Intelligence. | 043225 | Acadia's Shield only |
Diver Suit | Wearer gains ability to breathe under water and protection from radiation. | 05d371 | Rescue diver suit only |
Duelist's | 10% chance to disarm melee attacker on hit. | 001f3a49 | Mantis left armguard |
Exterminator's | Reduces damage from Mirelurks and bugs by 15%. | 001f81ed | |
Freefall | Prevents falling damage.(Needs to be present on both equipped leg armors) | 00093bbd | Freefall Legs only |
Ghoul slayer's | Reduces damage from ghouls by 15%. | 001f1dee | |
Grognak's Loin-cloth | Increases the wearer's strength and melee damage. | 00225aee | Grognak custome and wildman rags |
Hunter's | Reduces damage from animals by 15%. | 001f1deb | |
Incendiary | 30% chance to ignite melee attackers, once every 20 seconds. | 0107ae | |
Lucky | +2 Luck. | 001cf57e | Mark 4 synth left leg |
Martyr's | Temporarily slows time down during combat when you are at 20% or less Health. | 001f2d3d | Devastator's right greave, Recon marine left arm, Apocalypse armor chestplate |
Mutant Slayer's | Reduces damage from super mutants by 15%. | 001f1df4 | Wastelander's right leg |
Nuka-Girl | Grants ability to breathe underwater and +1 Charisma. | 04bda7 | Nuka-Girl rocketsuit only |
Poisoner's | +25 poison resistance. | 001f3072 | |
Powered | Increases Action Point refresh speed. | 001f7a75 | Visionary's T-60c helmet, Commando chest piece, Honor |
Punishing | Reflects 10% of melee damage back on attacker. | 001f1e47 | Vengeance, Devastator's chestpiece |
Rad Powered | Grants additional Strength the higher your rads. | 010b86 | |
Safecracker's | Increases size of sweet spot while picking locks. | 001f3ca9 | |
Sentinel's / Titan's | Reduces damage while standing and not moving by 15%. | 001f57e4 | Overseer's right armguard, Recon marine chest piece |
Sharp | +1 Charisma and +1 Intelligence. | 001cf57d | Destroyer's helmet |
Sprinter's | Increases movement speed by 10%. | 001f1c2f | The Captain's Hat, Oswald's tophat, Destroyer's right leg, Destroyer's left leg, Black Ops right shinguard, Recon marine right arm |
Troubleshooter's | Reduces damage from robots by 15%. | 001f81ee | Champion chestpiece, The Dapper Gent |
Unyielding | +3 to all stats when you are at 25% or less health | 010bb5 | |
VATS Enhanced | 10% reduction in Action Point cost in V.A.T.S. | 001f1d62 | Exemplar's T-60c, Overseer's left armguard, Commando helmet |
S.P.E.C.I.A.L. armor effectsEdit
Fortifying, Cunning, Lucky and Sharp are stackable.
Auto Stim armor effectsEdit
The Auto Stim effect will not increase one's dehydration level in survival mode, unlike using a stimpak normally.
Camouflage armor effectsEdit
Cloaking and Chameleon effect has the same effect as the Stealth Boy mod for power armor - it turns the wearer invisible. Which part of the armor bears the mod is irrelevant; it will always work the same. However it has been proven that multiple pieces of Charmeleon armor do stack to provide additional stealth - with an identical build being continuously seen and attacked using one piece but 'lost' and ignored when a full set was equipped in daylight.
All the underlying rules for effective sneaking still apply, so without good sneaking abilities (which means, enough points invested in the Sneak perk and enough U.S. Covert Operations Manuals collected) as well as careful use of the environment, even invisibility may not save the user from being detected by vigilant enemies. The mod also turns not only the wearer invisible but also their weapon including its sights (even the glowing portions of glow sights will fail to glow), making aiming quite difficult unless one of the electronic scope mods (night vision scope, recon scope) is installed.
Fallout 4 Legendary Armor Locations
Furthermore, it works on companions as well, although the effect will simply stop working fairly often with no apparent reason, somewhat limiting its usefulness (especially given most companions' unpredictable sneak behavior). Unequipping and re-equipping a chameleon piece from a companion's equipped inventory fixes their chameleon armor's effect.
Martyr's armor effectsEdit
Fallout 4 Legendary Armor Console Command
Fallout 4 Pc Item Codes
The Martyr's effect does not stack with additional pieces. In fact, wearing multiple pieces can prevent the slowing of time that the effect is supposed to cause. In the game's files, this effect was intended to only spawn on chest armor, however due to a bug it instead spawns on any armor piece[citation needed]. Also, if the player character has the superior Nerd Rage! perk, it will completely override the Martyr's effect.
Bolstering armor effectsEdit
The Bolstering effect does not add extra resistance to the armor itself, but rather the player character. This can be apparent by looking at the resistance totals under the 'STAT' tab of the Pip-Boy, or in the apparel section of the 'INV' tab while having full HP, then again after taking damage. (The resistance of the armor does not change, but the totals do).
Damage Reduction armor and weapon effectsEdit
All Damage Reduction (i.e. Hunter's, Ghoul Slayer's, Assassin's, Exterminator's, Troubleshooter's, Mutant Slayer's, Cavalier's and Sentinel's) effect stacks with the armor and weapon effect of the same name. Equipping seven pieces will negate all damage; except fire or poison damage. This causes enemies to panic and run away, due to how the AI of Fallout 4 is programmed.
Unyielding Effect and Endurance BuffsEdit
The description of the Unyielding effect: '+3 to all stats when below 25% health' is incorrect, not the functioning of the effect; it should read '+3 to all stats except Endurance when below 25% health.' The effects infobox in the Pip-Boy for items with the effect correctly shows only SPECIAL stats aside from Endurance being buffed.
It is not possible for the effect to buff Endurance without negating itself on application or possibly killing the player character on deactivation. This is because Hit Points are based directly on Endurance, but also act as the trigger for the effect. If the effect buffed Endurance, then on equipping a piece of Unyielding armor and losing 76%+ health to trigger the effect, the player charcater's total health and current health would be increased, stopping the effect from ever activating.
If the player character got around this (e.g. becoming 76%+ irradiated then when the armor was unequipped) the game would remove the amount of HP corresponding to the added Endurance from both the player character's total and current health, probably killing them or leaving them with 1 HP.
This can be testing using any Endurance buff, (e.g. X-Cell) Take X-Cell while wearing Unyielding equipment and 76%+ irradiated, and then wait for the chem buff to wear off; the player character's health will drop from 24% to about 0, though they may not die. Due to this, all Endurance buffs e.g. Solar Powered rank 1 are contra-indicated while wearing Unyielding equipment.
Fallout 4 Stimpack Code
Perks that cause automatic health regeneration or radiation reduction can interfere with the Unyielding armor pieces' effect while they are worn.
Power armor exclusive Edit
Name | Stat | Form ID | Found in |
Almost Unbreakable | Quadruples durability. | 001f1e0c | Tessa's Fist only |
Low Weight | Low carry weight. | 001f1e0b | |
Nuka | +3 Agility with all pieces equipped | 01152a | Nuka T-51 power armor |
Overboss Tesla Coils | Deals Energy damage to nearby enemies. | 04703c | Overboss power armor chest piece only |
Piezonucleic Lining | Radiation exposure increases Action Point refresh speed. | 0022879c | Piezonucleic power armor |
Quantum | Increases Action Point refresh speed with all pieces equipped | 0417e8 | Quantum X-01 power armor |
Tesla | Increases Energy damage. | 00c575(right) 00c578(left)00c577(torso) | Tesla T-60 armor |
Console commandEdit

Legendary effects can be added to items by dropping them on the ground and using the console command attachmod while having them selected, followed by the mod ID. You can't stack several mods on a single item, but you can stack over multiple pieces (armor). You can also replace a mod with another one via console.
If the item is for some reason unclickable (a semi-common glitch), legendary effects can be added to items using this alternative process:
Fallout 4 Complete Quest Code
- Drop the item on the ground.
- Pick up the item in the air by holding E(PC) (how you would normally drag ragdoll and other objects around).
- Open console and enter GetPlayerGrabbedRef. This returns the RefID of the item you're holding in the air.
- Take note of the returned RefID.
- Look up the ModID below for the desired legendary armor effect, note it as well.
- Enter the following in the console (substitute the appropriate RefID and ModID): [RefID].amod [ModID]
- For example, you would enter in something like this: f00726b.amod 001cc2ac.
- The item will drop to the ground, and when you go to pick it up, you will get an overview similar to the one you get when you pick up any given legendary item for the first time.
By utilizing the steps described above, it is possible to apply legendary effects to power armor pieces. Keep in mind, though, that contrary to regular armor and weapons, power armor can't be renamed, so keeping enhanced power armor pieces apart from others of the same name under these circumstances can quickly turn into a chore.
Fallout 4 Console Commands Item List
- PCPlaystation 4Xbox One When using armor with the Chameleon modifier, the Pip-Boy's display will be warped and the text colors over bright and blurry, making it difficult to read. If crouching and invisible, attempting to access the Pip-Boy will sometimes result in the UI being rendered partially or completely white and unusable. If standing and invisible, attempting to access the PipBoy can result in the PipBoy being transparent so the user is left looking through the character's arm. [verified]
- Can be solved by saving and then loading that save or going into 3rd person and back into 1st person. Another way to solve this is to be using the Fallout 4 Pip-Boy companion app on a mobile device, such as a smartphone or tablet.
- The over-bright, blurry Pip-boy effect seems to be the game adding the HUD and Pip-boy lighting/color together, so if you change one or the other in the Settings so that these colors contrast (i.e. red Pip-boy and green HUD), the Pip-boy becomes more readable, though still not as clear as when not 'invisible'.
- Each additional piece of chameleon armor equipped appears to slightly reduce the distortion of the Pip-boy display.
- PCXbox One There is a relatively uncommon bug whereas the player character will retain the effects of chameleon permanently, even after removing all buffed items. Suicide seems to fix this bug.[verified]
- PCPlaystation 4 The Martyr mod may not work at certain times unless you go into V.A.T.S. This seems to be related to having multiple items equipped at once with the Martyr effect. [verified]
- PCXbox One The Fortifying mod will add 10 carrying weight but no HP bonus. It does show you had +1 Endurance on S.P.E.C.I.A.L. chart. This might be an intended design, in case player buff too much HP with all armor pieces equipped in higher level. [verified]
- PC The Unyielding mod does not provide a +3 bonus to endurance. [verified]