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Game Resources / N64 / Zelda Ocarina Of TimeThe purpose of this page is to document all of the known tricks of the game The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64).Because of the nature of this site, we concentrate here on tricks that are difficult to play in real play, but are useful in the making of tool-assisted speedruns. For most of the tricks, a feature in an emulator is a definite must-have.: Update info about RBA: The YouTube videos under 'Acute Angles glitch', 'Bypass the Gate in Gerudo's Fortress', and 'Cross the Haunted Wasteland as Young Link' aren't allowed to be embedded. Whoever uploaded them should either change this, or a new movie should be uploaded. This technique allows Link to slide great distances at great speeds. For this trick, Link needs a shield, something he can physically interact with (usually lifting), and something non-static that can damage him.There are two known ways to perform the trick:. Enemy + Interactive ObjectLink must first find an enemy that will attack him. We will use the Peahats of Hyrule Field as an example.
Use the search function and the top posts of all time to check if your post has already been posted. If it's on the first page of all time or has been posted within the past month, it may be removed. Be civil, try and keep the peace. Other Answers. To get the Golden Scale you do need to fish and catch a 15lbs, to do the stand infront of the two or tree polls. You will see fish just sitting there, now turn and go back to the front. Walk into the water till you can't touch the ground, but make sure you touch. You will see a large fish about evening time rise to the log.
Surrounding these Peahats are bushes which Link can lift out of the ground. While holding Z and R, make Link roll into the bush while the Peahat is attacking him. Press A to grab the bush as the Peahat's attack connects with Link just before he stands up. If done properly, Link will block the attack just as he is about to finish the roll (and while he's still invincible) and that will retain the 'picking up' action, and so the speed at which he is knocked back by the attack will remain constant as long as he has his shield raised. Bombs.Set a bomb and move Link a roll's distance away from it. While facing the bomb, press A to roll into the bomb 40 frames before the explosion.
How To Get The Golden Scale Ocarina Of Time
You must make Link end the animation right in front of the bomb, but without touching it. Hold Z and R, and press A again to grab the bomb 17-19 frames before it explodes. The bomb will explode, and Link will begin to superslide.Notes:. While sliding, Link is locked in the blocking stance, and can't perform any other motion aside from back flipping.
This technique will be canceled if Link takes damage, falls off of a ledge, or lowers his shield. This can also allow link to skip ground texts and move during certain cutscenesExtended Superslide. This technique is an extension of using superslides. The application of the trick is to make Link turn in a new direction and continue to slide backwards at a slightly slower speed, because normal superslides are locked in their direction.
In previous cases, in order to start going in a different direction, a superslide would need to be manually stopped, and a new one started. This trick prevents the need for stopping.
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When supersliding, you need to hold Z and R to start; once sliding, you need only hold R (to keep the shield out.) If you let go of R, Link will stop sliding. However, by holding the analog stick at a slight tilt downwards, and either to the left or right, Link will start sliding around in circles. After a while, Link will stop. At any point when Link is sliding in circles, you can start to hold Z; this will cause Link to stop spinning and start sliding backwards in a straight line, just like a superslide. As with a superslide, holding Z will keep Link going backwards.
This speed is slower than a normal superslide, but still faster than backwalking or sidehopping. If you still have the analog at a down tilt, if you let go of Z, you will start spinning in circles again. You can change the tilt to spin either left or right. When you start spinning in circles again, you can press and hold Z again to start sliding backwards in another new direction. Unlike normal supersliding, you can pull out and use some items (but not all.).
While supersliding its possible to warp above or below ground. To do this Link needs to superslide off something thats already preloaded e.g. A bush or a bombflower. Link then needs something else that can damage him, such as an enemy or explosion, but its important that the object Link superslides off does not break or get destroyed. Once the superslide is activated if Link stops superslidng on the same level then he'll warp back to the object he just superslided off of. If his Z-axis is above the object then he'll warp to the object but his Z-axis will not change, if he does this below the object then he'll fall through the ground, either falling into the void or into invisible water.Currently there is no use for this in an any% run, the only known use for it is for getting into the Water Temple in Lake Hylia.Demonstration. This technique allows Link to 'jump' from a standing position.
It can be used to reach ledges that are normally unreachable. For this trick, Link must have a shield and have access to Bombs or 'Goron Special Crop' (Bomb Flowers).To initiate the ground jump, Link must find something which he can grab, the grab icon will confirm this.

To prepare a ground jump you can either equip Links sword Hold Z+R and press A, or Link can hold Z+R and tap A continously. Generally its faster to use the later method except in instances where links sword swing can be cut short by hitting a wall. While holding Z+R Link needs to be pushed away from the item that he was trying to grab, its ususally done by an enemy or explosion pushing Link away from the object.
The easiest way to perform the trick is on a bomb because the object disappears meaning Link can't pick it up. Once the glitch is pulled off all the C buttons are locked as well as the B button, anything that would force the grab icon to change will cancel out the glitch such as jumping or going into a water environment. To cancel it you can backflip or sidehop, although both cause Link to jump up vertically slightly and reach ledges that were just out of reach beforehand. It should also be noted that it allows certain cutscenes and texts to be skipped, this is becuase all ground triggers can be avoided, but many places have cutscene borders that stretch infinitely upwards and downwards mainly because it was easier to program.This ability to jump remains until Link attempts to jump, or if he jumps off a ledge normally, whichever comes first. He won't be able to use either his sword nor any of the the items equipped to the c-buttons.Mid-Air Bomb Jump.
This technique allows Link to gain excess height and distance on any jump. This technique requires Bombs or Bombchus.To perform this trick, Link must equip and pull out a Bomb or Bombchu. If using a Bomb, it is required that Link should let the fuse run until the Bomb is about to explode. Once this has been done, Link need only initiate his jump, followed by releasing the explosive in mid-air by holding Z and R at the same time.
If timed correctly, the Bomb will explode just underneath Link, boosting him forward and upward. If using a Bombchu, the device will automatically explode upon releasing it in midair.Vine Glitch. The Vine glitch only works as Young Link because when he jumps onto or catches a climbing frame while falling, part of his body will glitch into the wall. This generally happens too quickly to notice during standard play, since the games ejection routine corrects this in order for Link to climb normally. However, this can be abused if Link can take damage from an enemy or an explosion the moment he latches onto a wall he will subsequently be pushed through a wall.Note this trick does not work in Majora's Mask. This technique makes Link's sword (or the Deku Stick) active without the need to swing it. It requires a shield, and something Link can interact with (this includes anything that brings up a text box, such as Navi's advice and sign posts, as well as bombs, bushes, rocks, jars and treasure chests).To do this trick, Link must be within interacting range of the aforementioned objects.
While crouching (hold R), Link must stab and then interrupt the attack with an interaction by pressing A. If done correctly, Link's sword will let off a subtle glow, as if Link were constantly swinging it.
This keeps Link's sword drawn out in a constant attack state, so anything that collides with the sword will take damage. This state can be canceled by swinging the sword again with B(which resets the attack state of the sword), raising the shield without holding Z or by taking damage. Sheathing the sword and/or swapping out for a different item will not cancel the effects.Once Link is set in to this mode, he will lose the auto-jump ability and will not be able to fall off of ledges. To take advantage of this, read the next trick, aptly labeled Bomb Hover Staircase.Bomb Hover Staircase.
This technique is a play on the Endless Sword Glitch. It allows Link to reach high platforms and bypass certain obstacles using just Bombs, 'Goron Special Crop' Bomb Flowers, or Bombchus.To do this technique, you must first activate the Endless Sword Glitch.
Once in this mode, Link can not fall. Link can regain the ability to suffer from gravity if he performs a back flip to completion, but this can be checked by blocking a Bomb explosion in mid-flip. If Link blocks an explosion in mid-air, he will enter a blocking stance, which negates the effects of back flipping.
Therefore, Link can abuse this to constantly gain height from back flips without falling to the ground. Note that completing a full back flip will cause Link to lose his Endless Sword state, thus making him impervious to Bomb Hovering.Get Over Gerudo Valley Gate as Young Link. This technique grants access to the Gerudo Fortress as Young Link.
There are two distinct methods for achieving this goal.The first method for this sequence break involves the Cucco found in the Gerudo Valley. While holding the Cucco, Link must work his way on the one of the wooden bridge supports closest to the Gerudo gate. While standing on the support, position Link so that he is facing the gate at an angle.
Once prepared, Link must run off of the side of the support. The supports are just high enough off of the ground that Link will jump off of the edge as if it were a ledge. This, mixed with the fact that holding a Cucco greatly reduces Link's rate of descent, Link needs to be very close to the top of the gate. Just before reaching the gate, press B to make Link drop the Cucco and perform a midair jump slash. If done properly, Link should land on top of the gate without being seen.
So What do you think about that look of the drum kit? One that comes to mind is Louie Weaver from Petra he turned his kit sideways in 1990. Oct 23, 2016 - What is it that makes the acoustic drum set such an adaptable instrument? It sits sideways on the floor, with one side facing outward. Aug 18, 2015 - There are essentially two different ways to hold drum sticks: traditional. Hold the sticks with your thumbnails facing the ceiling and your palms facing each other. Who carried their drums slung to the side (hence the name, “side drum”). The stick should sit in the webbing between your thumb and index. Mar 22, 2013 - What do you think about being on the front, playing sideways to the. People play with the drummer on the side facing inwards because it's easier to. Because the drummer typically sits and can't dance or move around, the.
Link is now able to access the Gerudo Fortress (and the Spirit Temple) so long as he is not seen by the guards on the opposite side of the fence.The other method of bypassing the Gerudo Valley Gate involves using a endless sword technique. Activate the endless sword technique (stated earlier) using a bomb and then just as it explodes backflip holding Z and R and then backflip again onto the gate or over the gate.Get the Golden Scale as a Child. This trick grants the Golden Scale to Young Link very early in the game. The scale, which allows Link maximum diving distance, can be used to bypass many items and areas in the game. To do this trick, you will need 20 rupees.Go to the Fishing pond in Lake Hylia and purchase a rod. Make your way to the back of the fishing area and aim your lure towards the center of the pond, where the log is situated. Press B to cast the lure, and reel the large fish to your location.
This fish needs to be deemed a 'real lunker'. Accept the fish, and then swim to the middle of the pond. Then, while holding R and Z without targeting any fish, swim to the pond owner and turn in the fish whilst still holding R.
Ocarina Of Time Game Online
You will be rewarded the Golden Scale for doing this.Demonstration. This technique grants access to the Haunted Wasteland without raising the Gerudo Fortress' exterior gate. This method can only be done as Young Link.For this trick, approach the gate to the Haunted Wasteland within the Gerudo Fortress. Climb the ladder next to the gate to the very top.
Once Link is on top of the watch tower, maneuver Link so that he is standing at the top of the ladder, on the very edge of the ledge, without falling off. Link can now sidehop off of the tower, landing on the opposite cliff. You can now run along the wall and gain access to the Haunted Wasteland. If you do not position yourself properly, Link will fall through a void and his location will be reset.There is a way to return to the haunted wastleland although it requires excessive hovering and then a jumpslash high up through the gate, its not advisable to do it as part of any run becuase it quicker to use a savewarp back to Links house.Demonstration. This trick allows Young Link to pass through the Haunted Wasteland.Normally, Link would need the Hookshot to gain access to the main part of the Wasteland. Without it, Link will not be able to cross over a quicksand pit. However, Link's backwalk is fast enough to cross over a portion of the quicksand before he is swallowed by it.
On the very left part of the quicksand pit, the ground is set at a less harsh angle for Link. If done correctly, Link will cross over the pit unscathed. If Link walks past the map, he was positioned too far to the left, and he will be reset. If Link slips in to the pit, he was positioned too far to the right, and he will be reset.Make note that as soon as you cross the pit, you must immediately move towards the main part of the Haunted Wasteland.
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Moving too far beyond the pit will be read as a misguided movement in the maze, and Link will be reset. Also keep in mind that doing this trick requires one to know the necessary route through the Haunted Wasteland's maze.Demonstration. This technique allows Link to enter Lord Jabu Jabu without the necessity of a fish.
There are two ways to do this trick.The first method requires Link to jump slash off of the fences adjacent to Jabu Jabu. Link must gain maximum height and distance from his jump, as he must land somewhat on top of Jabu Jabu. Doing this will cause Link to trigger the entrance script for the dungeon, even though he has not technically entered Jabu Jabu's mouth. The second technique requires Link to roll in to Jabu Jabu at an angle. Note that the second technique is very difficult to achieve, as the hitbox for the rolling is very slim compared to the hitbox for jump slashing.Demonstration.
They are two methods for pushing blocks faster, the first one is more commonly refered to as soft block pushing. Simply while Link is in the proccess of pushing a block hold Z, this will cause Link to stop pushing, but the main block itself will still be moving.
After this is done run up to the push the block again and repeat the process.However, this does not work on every movable object. The other method involves more precision and marginally saves frames each time its used. Press forwards to push the block, then time it and press back and then press forwards again once you see Link pull backwards.Demonstration. Some ledges are very high up and far away, and would require excessive bomb hovering to reach, but it can be quite simple done with one bomb or bombchu.
Simply place a bomb before a ledge and get Link to stand inbetween the bomb and the ledge, while facing Links destination make sure he has the Kokiri boots on and enough health. While Link is in his forced jump animation pause the game and equip the hoverboots this will make Link do a large jump projectile reaching the platform and grabbing the ledgeLong Hover. Some gaps are on a very flat level or below in relation to where Links standing, but they may seem completely impossible even with a mega jump technique. For example the gap in the Shadow Temple that needs to be crossed by shooting arrows at the statues and therefore collasping the statue can made by supersliding and then swapping then equipping the hover boots, This technique can also to be used to barely make it to Ganon's castle but it requires Link to reach normally unaccesible land in the left side of the castle, this is because its the closest point to the castle and it also gives Link enough height to reach the outer ledges of the castle.Demonstration. During Link's quest, the vast majority of the time he has Sword equipped on the B button.
However, if you go to the fishing pond in Lake Hylia he will be given a fishing rod which is equipped on B. While playing the fishing game Link cannot leave the pond without the man who lended the rod stoping him. He can however be bypassed if Adult Link equips the hover boots, runs into the center of the pond and then casts the rod in mid-air, this tricks the man because Link can run around normally with the rod still being cast.There is a more practical way that works for both Child and Adult Link's. Simply, on entrance purchase the rod and run to the far right side of the pond, where a small stream appears to run into the pond.
Loz Oot Fishing Pond
There is a collection of rocks that Link can run onto and jump off of. Once Link has performed a jump cast the rod before he lands. If done correctly Link can run around the pond with the rod cast.
This technique allows Link to exploit certain pressure sensitive floor switches. To do this trick, Link only needs a Bottle with a fish in it.To perform this exploit, Link must first enter the room in which the switch is located. Link must then make the Bottle his active item, which means that he must release and recapture his fish.
Once the Bottle is in Link's hands, have Link backflip on to the target switch. Before Link completes his flip, activate the Bottle again. As soon as Link lands, he will place the fish on the switch. The game will read the occurrence as one object landing on the switch, even though two separate objects have landed.
If Link moves away from the switch, it will still assume that it is being weighed down by Link, as it still reads an object on the switch. This allows Link to employ the switch without needing to use actual objects to weight it down. Keep in mind that the fish will not keep the switch held for long, and so this trick will only work with switches that are very close to their effect.Another more effective method is to copy whats been stated before except press B in mid air and it will cause Link to use his sword as an ocarina, this can be quickly cancelled by pressing B again to avoid the bottle dumping animation. After Link has the deku stick on the B button he can then put the bottle on B, this is done by replicating the sword ocarina trick mentioned previously in the last paragraph.The Deku Stick has a specific hex value i.e. While it might appear to be meaningless it can be changed effectively allowing Link to have any item on B he desires. The hex value relating to the light arrows is 8011A656, the difference between these values is 18.
In order to add 18 Link needs to have 18 of something on C-right, this is normally done with deku nuts. Go back in time and turn into Young Link and imeadiatley go forward in time again. While this is happening the Deku Stick value on the B button is being added to C-right and doing so will update on the B button allowing the light arrows to be written to B.note: In order to go back in time its necessary to complete the Forest templenote2: Make sure Young Link's Deku Stick supply is depleted to 0Demonstration. When you update your B button with a new item (example: catch a bug), it takes the value of the bug (according to the game, bug is 29), and writes that value onto a different section of your inventory. Which section depends on what item you have on c-right. So, if you have a broken sword on c-right (broken sword is linked to medallions, Minuet&Bolero), it will actually write the value of 29 onto your medallions/songs binary slot. 29 in binary is 0001 1101.
If you look at the charts below, you'll see that this will end up giving you the Forest, Water, Spirit and Shadow medallion. This technique allows Link to glitch through certain boundaries, allowing him to skip certain events. To do this, Link only needs a melee weapon and an acute angle corner.For this glitch, Link must jump slash in to a space that is too small to accommodate him.
This will push him through certain boundaries, mostly walls. This can be used to glitch to the bottom of Kakariko's Well, or to skip all of the Trials in Ganon's Tower. The Trial Skip abuses the acute angle cause by moving an Armos statue close to a wall, and then forcing Link in to the space between.Many of the angles can be done using a superslide although.
On certain occasion one works while the other doesn't.Demonstration. For years it was considered that glitching past the Door of Time was impossible, but if you sidehop towards the left side of the door at a precise angle you can glitch through it. However, you'll not be able to get an obtuse enough angle to be able to jumpslash on the oposite side of the door, but if you use the sidehop manipulation trick which facing to the right but while being roughly paraell with the door you'll be able to glitch through the left side of the door and still manage to face the direction you were in.
After that you need to jumpslash and hopefully land inside the DoT itself, after that continue proceed to becoming Adult Link.It should be noted that there is currently no way to get back as Adult Link cannot glitch back through the door in the same way. The only way to get back through the door again is to either save and reset or to use an acute angle nearby and jump into the void and make Link lose all his hearts and then save and quit. Due to the amount of items skipped in sequence breaking, some things must be noted.
Skipping the Goron Bracelet but retrieving the Silver Gauntlets as Young Link will give Young Link the ability to lift heavy objects. Only the Spirit and Shadow Temples must be completed. Doing so assumes that you have completed all of the other Temples.
As stated earlier, there is currently no known way to return from the Haunted Wasteland if Link glitched through the exterior gate in the Gerudo Fortress.References.
The number of.NumberGoddesses that created HyruleBig Poes roaming HyruleEmpty bottles Link can (legally) acquire'Twenty-three is number.'