Email verification is a process used to keep lists of email addresses current and alive.
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- The data had been exposed online by, an email validation firm. On Oct 12, 2019, a new user named Exabyte registered on RaidForums — a site dedicated to sharing hacked databases and tools to perpetrate credential stuffing attacks.
- Website Breach. On February 25, 2019, was breached. Once the breach was discovered and verified, it was added to our database on March 9, 2019. What data was compromised: IP addresses. Email addresses. Physical addresses.
- Mar 11, 2019 breach is one of the largest data breaches but the good news is that it does not involve passwords. Another day, another data breach; this time the email validation service has leaked a humongous database containing personal and sensitive records of more than 2 billion individuals around the world.
The leaked database also exposes’s internal tools such as SMTP servers, email, spam traps, keywords to avoid as well as IP addresses to blacklist. All in all, heightened vigilance is warranted since throughout 2018 the number of data breaches increased by 424 percent compared to. The database belonged to an email marketing firm An insight into the data leak - On February 25, 2019, security researchers Bob Diachenko and Vinny Troia discovered an unprotected publicly accessible MongoDB database containing 150GB of data. The database contained three folders with different records.
Emails are a recent phenomenon when compared to the earlier systems that it sought to replace. The single most advantage of using an email service is the real-time mode of communication that it proves to be. Thus there is little delay in conveying a message to the addressee, and it is this convenience that attracts the most users to this mode of communication.

The power of email services makes it pertinent to verify the emails so that people at both the ends are provided with a seamless mode of communication. It must be said that most email service providers do have safeguards in place that cuts out spam and other unwanted use of the email utility as best as could be done. This is done for the fact that it is possible for people just to deactivate email accounts or even delete it altogether.
Cutting spam from the system
Put in simple terms, spam is the generation of unwanted messages in the email system. Often this is due to the massive email lists that each of the marketing groups employs. The low-cost structure of the email lists would ensure that the practices of cold calling emails are not going to die down any time soon. It would be thus most advisable to control the number of false email clients that get to occupy the cyberspace.
If not for the active role played by the email verification web service, the mail system could have been clogged beyond use. There are a number of ways online email verification service works. In the first instance, the IP addresses are scanned for possible matches to known sources of spam messages. The whole issue of weeding out the unwanted sources of messages runs from the fact that it improves the delivery of the system. So that the people who need to use the mail service to the most could do so without any fear.
The use of verification software
Most active companies and corporations that get to use the email services have understood the role played by the email verification software most of the time. What the software application does is to create a blacklist of email clients that have been flagged for spamming and other undesirable activities. The establishment of a negative list of service providers is the first step towards establishing a clean email system, more than anything else.
With any form of validation, it is essential to remain on top of the situation and to ensure that corrective steps are so taken to keep the very system in working order. If ever there were a need for a proactive approach then it is here in the verification of the email addresses. This has to do with the fact that there is bound to be counter steps taken to nullify the measures undertaken to keep the spam messages out of the active system.
In fact, with the more active email scrubbing software, the speed at which the application responds to the changes taking place would in effect decide on the very effectiveness of the whole system. Some potent programming tools are implemented at every stage of the filtering of the emails to keep the system working and integrated to the entire network.
The creation of the bulk lists
As far as the creation of bulk mailing lists is concerned, it is essential to weed out the most unresponsive of the mail clients. This does keep the system from generating unwanted messages which could have given rise to a clogged network at best.
When marketing of products or services is concerned, the fact that bulk mailing lists form an integral part of the whole process should be mentioned here. Thus it goes without saying that a great deal of effort and energy is spent in creating the large email lists that get to be used in the marketing areas. In fact, the occurrence of spam messages is the single most challenge faced by the bulk mailing industry. It not only reduces the overall efficiency of the system but creates bottlenecks which could take up resources otherwise spent more productively. Database Management
As you can see, an email verifier is critical to your marketing and success. With every user of the system, there is an increasing tendency to use a more market savvy approach than otherwise. Over the years, there has evolved some safe practices for using emails and the related systems.
Originally posted 2018-08-15 15:56:48. Republished by Blog Post Promoter
It isn’t often that our data validation industry makes it into the mainstream media. But this week, it was rocked by a story in Wired Magazine, where two security researchers discovered that the email validation firm, (site currently taken down), had exposed an unprotected, publicly accessible database containing over 800 million email addresses – together with personal and business information for some of them.
Many details are still sketchy at this point. claimed that this was an internal database containing no client records and has since gone dark. And thankfully these records did not appear to contain sensitive information such as financial data or passwords. But we are well aware that incidents like these might raise concerns for businesses who employ third parties to process their contact data assets.
The good news is that situations like this are NOT at all representative of how established vendors like Service Objects does business. Done properly, data validation services are extremely secure, and can strongly enhance the data quality and security of your business. In this article we wanted to share what things you should look for in a data validation partner, along with many of our best practices.
What to look for in a data validation company
Reputation. We are putting this one first, because reputation matters as much as all other factors combined. Look at how long a company has been in business, how many customers it serves, and who its marquee clients are. A little Googling will serve you well here: information abounds, so see what people are saying about the company: negative comments are a concern, of course, and sometimes NO comments can be even more concerning. Data Breach Lawsuit
(P.S. Glad you asked. We’ve been in business since 2001, and serve over 2500 clients including Amazon, Microsoft, Sony, and every major credit card issuer. Review site gives us a tremendously high 4.6/5.0 rating across 600 customer reviews, and you will find our CEO and others featured prominently in the industry trade press.)
Data security. Simply put, we do not store customer data. Only our clients can see their own data. For the time it takes for us to verify it, it is encrypted using a high-level (https) protocol. And when the verification is completed, the data is immediately expunged. We feel you should never, ever use a data validation service that stores your unencrypted contact data in a way that is vulnerable to prying eyes.
In addition to this, we employ bank-grade security measures, including secure 24/7/365 data centers, which feature multi-layer perimeter security with hourly scans and modern firewalls, penetration testing and hardened Windows servers. More details on our data security can be found here. Database Server
Reliability. Contact data validation is often performed in real-time, and is frequently mission-critical to a company’s marketing, sales or customer contact activities. This is why we offer one of the industry’s only financially backed service level agreements, with a minimum goal of 99.999% availability of its services.
Customer impact. The above Wired article discusses how email addresses are sometimes validated by sending them test emails, essentially spamming them. We use a very different, non-invasive technology to validate email deliverability, based on ping testing, as described further in this recent blog. This provides accurate results without impacting your customers.
Database Verification And Validation
Resources. People often say that the value of any company rests in how well they invest in their products and services. We were founded by developers, for developers, and both our technical and support teams are very proud of their expertise. Above all, we make it a point to be there for our customers: we are available 24/7 if needed, make it a public policy to respond within 90 minutes, and garner rave reviews from our clients.
Employment Verification Database
Feel secure with the right data validation partner
No one ever wants to end up as a news story. But incidents like this serve as a good reminder for what to look for when you entrust your valuable contact data to a third party. We are proud of our track record of safety and security going back nearly two decades that has helped position us as leaders in this industry. Service Objects knows that the more educated businesses are about the specifics of safe and reliable data quality, the better. If you would like to learn more, we are happy to discuss our security measures and our data validation products, please contact us for more details.